(01) 441 0100

IronMan 70.3 - Dublin 2016

July 26, 2024

Swimmers shoulder in a common triathletes injury and the 1.9km swim can set this off, and the use of aerobars can aggravate it further. Hot packs and stretching the shoulder gentle when lying on your side as shown below can help with this injury. Perform the sleeper stretch for three sets of 30 seconds each day.

Ironman 70.3 Dublin is happening today, and with the vast effort that is required to complete it, the athletes are sure to be suffering in the morning. Some of these athletes will be stiff from the physical effort involved, while an unlucky few will have picked up injuries. So to help with the recovery there are a few things that you can do.

Muscle Aches and Pain

Foam rolling, stretching, massage and dry needling for the low back, neck and leg muscles are beneficial in easing the muscular niggles that persist for a few days.

Neck Pain

After 90km of cycling on the bike the muscles around the neck will be stiff, especially if you have been using aerobars. A hot pack and rolling a tennis ball between the wall and these muscles will help to loosen up the area. Dry Needling and massage can help to get to the area that are difficult to reach.

Low Back Pain

Low back pain can come from any part of the tri. Swimming and running will more than likely irritate the facet joints, while the cycle can flair up a pre-existing disc issue. Foam rolling the glutes can help with these pains, however foam rolling the low back can irritate the injury. Cat-camel stretch will help to loosen up the low back.

Shoulder Pain

Swimmers shoulder in a common triathletes injury and the 1.9km swim can set this off, and the use of aerobars can aggravate it further. Hot packs and stretching the shoulder gentle when lying on your side as shown below can help with this injury. Perform the sleeper stretch for three sets of 30 seconds each day.


Knee Pain

Knee pain generally occurs during the run and is more than likely a meniscal or patello-femoral mal-tracking issue. As the legs get tired during the race, the knee will drift across the body at the foot strikes during each step. Foam rolling the quads and mobilising the knee cap as shown below can help. Perform the Paellar mobs for three sets of 30 seconds each day.


Congratulations to all who took part today! If you have any questions about how to fix these injuries, call ReBalance Physio on 01 441 0100 for advice.