(01) 441 0100

Deep Tissue Massage

When it comes to hands on treatment our Massage Therapists and Chartered Physiotherapist are the leading experts. We are trained in specific manual techniques which work deep into the restricted tissue thus giving best results.

Deep tissue massage focuses on loosening the deep layers of muscle, fascia and connective tissue. It is normal that these structure can tighten causing either pain or restriction in joint movement. This effects how your body move’s which will impair performance.

Massage is very effective in releasing tight muscles, preventing injuries, and helping the body to recover from tough sessions. It is also very effective in helping with long standing pain, such as back and neck pain.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Release tight muscles

Pain relief from chronic aches such as back and neck pain.

Prevent injuries

Postural problems

Aids recovery from tough exercise sessions

We can give you expert advice on which muscle and structures are tight and advice on how to self-manage these problems in the future.


Deep Tissue Massage treatments booked with our Physiotherapists are eligible to be claimed back against your health insurance cover under Physiotherapy benefits. These sessions are 30 minutes in length and cost €70.